About Us

A premier tutoring service.

Loav Tuitions offers personalized and effective tutoring services for students of all ages and academic levels in Melbourne. Our experienced tutors provide comprehensive instruction in a variety of subjects, including English, Maths, Science, Humanities, and more, tailored to meet each student’s unique needs and learning style.

Our tutors not only help students grasp challenging concepts but also enhance their study skills and exam preparation techniques. We believe that education goes beyond memorization; it is about nurturing critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and a passion for lifelong learning.


Building a strong, accountable relationship between student and tutor.


Creating a positive and motivating environment that encourages growth and mutual support.


Providing high-quality resources and knowledgeable tutors to guide our students.

How do we operate?

We use innovative and practical teaching methods to create a positive and engaging learning environment, both in-person and virtually. Our goal is to help students overcome challenges and build confidence in their abilities to achieve their academic goals.

Our mission.

At LOAV Tuitions, we are committed to helping every student reach their full potential, regardless of their background or financial circumstances. With flexible scheduling and competitive pricing, our services are accessible to all.

We go the extra mile to ensure that no student is left behind due to financial constraints. Our goal is to foster an inclusive learning environment where every student can thrive and unlock their full potential.

By prioritizing accessibility and affordability, LOAV Tuitions strives to break down barriers to education and create opportunities for students to excel. We are dedicated to empowering students from all backgrounds, enabling them to achieve academic success and a brighter future.

Tuition at home or away?

We strive to get you to your full academic potential regardless of location. Join the ranks of our successful students whether it’s virtual or in person.

What makes us the best choice?

Classes offered in both AP (Accelerated) and Normal levels for each subject, catering to all academic levels.
Our tuition offers learning that can be done at the comfort of your own home.
Flexible payments.
We offer flexible pricing depending on the students year level & personal circumstances.
Upgrade your learning no matter the time of year.
Exclusive online resources and professional notes available through OneNote for our students.
Customer service.
Off-hour assistance provided via text messaging for prompt support.

Don't take our word for it

Ready to start learning?

Contact our team today to see what we have to offer for you and your child.